Friday, November 2, 2018

A VT Special: Final Dress Rehearsal of MET's MARY POPPINS

The awesome folks at Mesa Encore invited us to see the final dress rehearsal of MARY POPPINS, and it was an experience. Check out our special here, and then head over to our Facebook page for exclusive (permitted) pictures and video from last night.

MARY POPPINS opens tonight, 11/2, and runs til 11/18. If you haven't got your tickets, go get them. This is a sight to behold!

Thank you so much to James Clark and the cast and crew of MET's MARY POPPINS for letting us join you! Break a leg tonight, and we'll see you next week! Here's to a great opening!

Visit Mesa Encore here:

Visit us on Facebook for an exclusive interview with the producer!

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