Sunday, December 23, 2018

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL | Silver Star Theater, Mesa AZ

Final go around, and this time with a Christmas feast!

The whole family closed out the year with one more performance based on Charles Dickens' classic story. This time at the Silver Star Theater, dinner and a show!

We'll be back in 2019! Until then, we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, a happy holiday, and a safe, healthy New Year!

For more information about the Silver Star Theater, visit their site!

Be sure to visit us on Facebook for exclusive content!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL: Green Cast | Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

"Second verse, same as the first!"? Got to watch and see as David and Mama Dee talk about the GREEN Cast at the Hale!

You have a few more days to see this amazing production. Last show is on Christmas Eve, December 24th! Visit the Hale Centre Theatre online to get tickets NOW!

Hale Centre Theatre

For more fun and exclusive content, follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL: Red Cast | Hale Centre Theatre

Huzzah! 'Tis the most wonderful time of our theatrical year! December brings productions of A CHRISTMAS CAROL to the valley, and we saw our first last night. In today's vlog, David, Mama Dee, and Faith sing the praises of the Hale's RED cast, starring Cory McCloskey as Ebenezer Scrooge.

(Also, first vlog with the new camera!)

Get tickets while you can!

Visit us on Facebook for exclusive videos and pictures!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Here's our Review! | Silver Star Theater Season Premiere 2018, Mesa AZ

We had our first visit to the Silver Star Theater, a dinner theater in Mesa AZ! What a night it was!

Also, more on seasons at the Orpheum Theatre in Phoenix, and ASU Gammage in Tempe!

Silver Star Theater:
ASU Gammage:
The Orpheum Theatre:

For exclusive content, visit us on our Facebook page!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Here's our Review! | MARY POPPINS, Mesa Encore Theatre

After attending the final dress rehearsal last week, David and Mama Dee share their thoughts on the finished product! Join them now for their review of MARY POPPINS, part of the Mesa Encore Theatre series.

Visit MET here:

Join us for exclusive content on Facebook!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

VT #7: We Found a New Theater!

A quick VT update: We've found a new theater to visit! Silver Star Theater in Mesa, AZ!

Visit them here:
Visit us on Facebook for exclusive content:

Friday, November 2, 2018

A VT Special: Final Dress Rehearsal of MET's MARY POPPINS

The awesome folks at Mesa Encore invited us to see the final dress rehearsal of MARY POPPINS, and it was an experience. Check out our special here, and then head over to our Facebook page for exclusive (permitted) pictures and video from last night.

MARY POPPINS opens tonight, 11/2, and runs til 11/18. If you haven't got your tickets, go get them. This is a sight to behold!

Thank you so much to James Clark and the cast and crew of MET's MARY POPPINS for letting us join you! Break a leg tonight, and we'll see you next week! Here's to a great opening!

Visit Mesa Encore here:

Visit us on Facebook for an exclusive interview with the producer!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Here's our Review! | ANNIE, Hale Centre Theatre

The sun has come out again! David, Mama Dee, and Anut Jodie share their thoughts on ANNIE at the Hale Centre Theatre in Gilbert, AZ.

ANNIE is now playing until 11/24/18 at the Hale. Please visit for tickets!

Also, for exclusive pictures and live videos from outside the theaters, come follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Here's our Review! | SCARLET PIMPERNEL, Hale Centre Theatre

Follow our blog at  We'd love to have you join us!

It's our biggest, longest review so far! Aunt Jodie and Social Media director, Faith, joins Mama Dee and David to share their thoughts on SCARLET PIMPERNEL at the Hale Centre Theatre in Gilbert, AZ.

THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL is now playing until 10/6/18 at the Hale. Please visit for tickets!

Valley Theatre is also on Facebook

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Here's Our Review! | LEGALLY BLONDE, Mesa Encore Theatre

Special guest host Aunt Jodie joins Mom Dee and David to share their thoughts on LEGALLY BLONDE at the Mesa Encore Theatre in Mesa, AZ.

LEGALLY BLONDE is now playing until 9/23/18 at the Mesa Arts Center. Please visit for tickets!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Here comes the '18/'19 Season!

It's that time of year! September is here, new seasons are starting to begin, and we can't wait!

Friday, August 10, 2018

We visited the Hale Theatre!

Thank you to David and Corrin Dietlein for inviting us to come visit the Hale Centre Theatre! We very much enjoyed our visit!

Visit the Hale online:

Friday, July 27, 2018

Happy 15th, Hale Centre!

One of our favorite theaters, the Hale Centre Theatre in Gilbert, is celebrating its 15th year in Arizona! Happy birthday to the Hale! Time to celebrate!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Valley Theatre #2

Keeping this week's show simple with some general discussion, including that about ASU Gammage, Mesa Encore Theatre, and Hale Centre Theatre.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Run-Down: Mesa Encore Theatre ('18/'19 Season)

We are now season ticket holders for Mesa Encore Theatre! Get in on the "Run-Down" for their season. Season tickets now available at  Individual tickets coming soon. Follow their page for more information!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Here's our Review #1 | SISTER ACT, Hale Centre Theatre

The first 'episode' of Here's our Review is here! Mom Dee, David, and special guest Aunt Jodie give you their thoughts on SISTER ACT at the Hale Centre Theatre in Gilbert AZ. Opening night, yet...well, watch and find out!

SISTER ACT is now open at the Hale from now until August 18, 2018! To get your tickets, visit  Tickets are selling fast so get them soon!

Friday, July 6, 2018

YouTube is up and running!

The YouTube channel has begun! Come check out our introduction, and see what to expect from Valley Theatre in the future. Also, stay tuned for our video about Sister Act tomorrow!

Monday, July 2, 2018

WE'RE BACK! (Re-opening of Valley Theatre, 2018!)

It's been a long time coming, but we are back! A new theatrical season is beginning in the East Valley, and we'll be here to cover it all!

We are slowly but surely making new improvements to the blog and our Facebook page. We also plan on making a YouTube channel, so please stay tuned to that!

Our first show this season is Sister Act at the Hale Theatre. David and Mom Dee, along with a special surprise guest, are attending the opening night this Friday, 7/6. We will have a review for you not too long after.

We're so excited to be bringing you Arizona theater news again! Get ready, East Valley!