Friday, December 29, 2023

Last Vlog of 2023

 Today we discuss the AYT production of Basically A Christmas Carol and

 We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year see you all next year!

Sunday, December 3, 2023


Today we discuss the Hale Theatre's A Christmas Carol RED & GREEN Casts 

For  more information on the Hale Theatre visit:

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks!



Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Hale Theatre's Fiddler on the Roof

Our thoughts on the Hale Theatre production of Fiddler On the Roof.

For  more information on the Hale Theatre visit:

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks!


Monday, September 25, 2023


 Today we discuss the Actor Youth Theatre's production of Mean Girls.  Watch to find out what we thought.

For more information about the Actor's Youth Theatre visit:

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks!


Saturday, September 9, 2023

Hale Theatre Something A Foot

Today we discuss the Hale Theatre's opening show of the 2023-2024 Season Something afoot

For  more information on the Hale Theatre visit:

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks!


Friday, August 18, 2023

Our Theatre update

Today we discuss what shows we will be attending which includes our 1st show at the Valley Youth Theatre find out which shows they are:

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks! 


Friday, July 21, 2023

Combs Performing Arts Center 1st Season Preview

 On August 4th at 6pm the Combs Performing Arts Center will be having their 1st season preview event It is a FREE event to attend! here is a vlog on information about the event.

For information on the Combs Performing Arts Center visit their website at

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks! 

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Hale Theatre's Beauty and the Beast

We attended the opening night performance of the Hale Theatre's Beauty and the Beast.

For  more information on the Hale Theatre visit:

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks!  

Sunday, July 2, 2023

5th Anniversary

Today we celebrate our 5th Anniversary of starting this vlog! 

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks!

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Theatre update

 Today we discuss what events that we will be attending this Summer! Watch to find out what events they are.

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks! 

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Actors Youth Theatre's Cats

 Today we discuss Actors Youth Theatre's CATS and more click to find out what we thought and what we are going to be attending next.

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks! 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Upcoming Shows

 Today we discuss shows we attended this month and upcoming shows we will be attending next month.

For exclusive content for the vlog, follow us on Facebook!

Email us at 

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "Valley Theatre" in the email subject line.  We will not open any emails we don't know. Thanks!