Sunday, December 29, 2019

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL (2019) | Silver Star Theater, Mesa AZ

One final production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL to round off 2019!

For more information on the Silver Star, visit them here:

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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL (Green Cast 2019) | Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

Time for round 2! Today we look at the Green cast of this season's A CHRISTMAS CAROL at the Hale!

For more information about the hale, visit

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL "Red Cast" 2019 | Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

It's the most wonderful time of the year again! Thus begins Valley Theatre's season of A CHRISTMAS CAROL! HUZZAH!

We start off with Hale's "Red" cast, starring Fox 10 Weather's Cory McCloskey as Scrooge!

For tickets (and they're selling out so hurry!!), visit the Hale Centre Theatre online!

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