Sunday, December 29, 2019

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL (2019) | Silver Star Theater, Mesa AZ

One final production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL to round off 2019!

For more information on the Silver Star, visit them here:

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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL (Green Cast 2019) | Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

Time for round 2! Today we look at the Green cast of this season's A CHRISTMAS CAROL at the Hale!

For more information about the hale, visit

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Here's Our Review! | A CHRISTMAS CAROL "Red Cast" 2019 | Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

It's the most wonderful time of the year again! Thus begins Valley Theatre's season of A CHRISTMAS CAROL! HUZZAH!

We start off with Hale's "Red" cast, starring Fox 10 Weather's Cory McCloskey as Scrooge!

For tickets (and they're selling out so hurry!!), visit the Hale Centre Theatre online!

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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Here's Our Review! | PIRATES OF PENZANCE and DARKSIDE | Mesa Encore Theatre, Mesa AZ

Last review before Thanksgiving, and we're so thankful to share our thoughts with you!

For more information on Mesa Encore Theatre, visit them here:

For exclusive content, follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Here's Our Review! | BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, Zao Theatre, Apache Junction AZ

Is the tale as old as time new again? Come find out in today's look at the Zao Theatre's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, playing now until 11/23/19!

For more information on the Zao Theatre, click here!

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Follow Faith's page, Fluffy Pyros Anonymous on Facebook!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Here's Our Review! | Season Premiere Concert | Silver Star Theater, Mesa AZ

We attended the season premiere concert at the Silver Star Theater! Is it looking to be a great one?

For more information on the Silver Star, visit their website!

For exclusive content, follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Here's Our Review! | HELLO DOLLY!, Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

🎺🎶HELLO~ DOLLY~!🎶🎺 at the Hale Centre Theatre makes us wish that Dolly will never go away again! Here's our thoughts on the production running through Nov. 23rd 2019!

Get your tickets here:

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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Here's Our Review! | BRIGHT STAR, Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

While this show wasn't part of our plan, we decided to check it out! What did we think? Find out!

Get tickets for BRIGHT STAR at

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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Here's Our Review! | INTO THE WOODS | Mesa Encore Theatre, Mesa AZ

We began our season long adventure with MET by travelling INTO THE WOODS. One of our favorite shows, what did we think?

INTO THE WOODS plays at MET's home auditorium at the Mesa Arts Center, until 9/22/19. Get your tickets at

For more exclusive content from our visits, please follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A VT Summer Special! | Combs Performing Arts Center

It's a summer special! David and Mama Dee went for an in-depth tour of the newly opened Combs Performing Arts Center. See what they thought!

For more exclusive content, follow us on Facebook!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Here's Our Review! | CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG, Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

The fantasmagorical car of legend has landed in Gilbert AZ! You have until 8/17/19 to catch her before she takes off again! So come here our thoughts on CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG!

For tickets, visit

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Monday, July 1, 2019

Happy Birthday Valley Theatre!

It's our birthday! We're a whole year older! Come celebrate with us!

If you aren't already, follow us on Facebook here:

There's exclusive content there that only our followers get alerted to, so be sure to check it out!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Extra! Extra! NEWSIES is at the Hale til 6/29/19! Should you get tickets now? Watch and find out!

For tickets, visit the Hale online

For exclusive content, follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Here's Our Review! | IN THE HEIGHTS, Mesa Encore Theatre

Lights up on Washington Heights! David and Mama Dee talk about their viewing of IN THE HEIGHTS at good ol' Mesa Encore.

Get tickets here!

Follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Here's Our Review! | HP AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE in Concert, Phoenix Symphony

Valley Theatre took in a new experience with the Phoenix Symphony this week. An orchestra is a very important part of live theatrical productions. There is nothing like enjoying live music played with our favorite shows.

We had our first night out at the symphony with one of our favorite films, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". What did we think? Come talk with us!

Check out the Phoenix Symphony online

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Saturday, April 20, 2019

Here's Our Review! | THE TOXIC AVENGER, Mesa Encore Theatre, Mesa AZ

Better late than never! Mama Dee and David ASSEMBLED...!!!!

...oh wait, wrong Avengers.

See what they thought of MET's THE TOXIC AVENGER

Mesa Encore Theatre:

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Sunday, April 7, 2019

VT Special | 2019/2020 Season Announcements!

It's that awesome time of year again! Summer in the East Valley heralds the arrival of the new theatre season! Come see what's coming up with us! Adventures, enchantments, and awesomeness await!

Get your tickets soon!
Hale Centre Theatre ~
Mesa Encore Theatre ~
ASU Gammage ~
Orpheum Theatre ~
Silver Star Theater ~
Phoenix Symphony ~

Follow us on Facebook for exclusive content!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Here's Our Review! | HELLO DOLLY, Mesa Encore Theatre

Mama Dee is back! Huzzah! She and David are here to share their thoughts on MET's HELLO DOLLY! Would they say hello again, or is Dolly going away this time? Watch and find out!

For more information on MET:

For exclusive content, follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Here's Our Review! | SINGIN' IN THE RAIN, Hale Centre Theatre

David tackles this one solo as he shares his thoughts on SINGIN' IN THE RAIN at the Hale!

For more information on the Hale, visit their site!
For exclusive Valley Theatre content, follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Here's Our Review! | VANYA, SONIA, MASHA, & SPIKE | Mesa Encore Theatre, Mesa AZ

David and Mama Dee tackle the longest show name in round 2 of 2019 opening weekend! See their thoughts on VANYA, SONYA, MASHA & SPIKE at MET!

For more information, visit MET!

For exclusive content, be sure to follow us on Facebook!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Here's Our Review | CASH ON DELIVERY | Hale Centre Theatre, Gilbert AZ

David and Mama Dee are starting off the new year with a double weekend of shows! Up first, CASH ON DELIVERY at the Hale!

For tickets, please visit the Hale:

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