Tuesday, October 23, 2012

UNDER THE SEA: Arizona’s Premiere of The Little Mermaid at QCPAC

Anyone can sit back and watch a movie at home, but theater takes things one step further! Anyone who has seen Disney’s The Little Mermaid will see why this November at the Queen Creek Performing Arts Center. For three days only, the QCPAC is proud to be the first in Arizona to feature the live musical version.

“This is the Arizona premiere of The Little Mermaid,” says Molly Jacobs, director of both the show and the QCPAC itself. Ms. Jacobs has been with the theater since it opened in July 2003, and has directed twelve of its productions, making her a fine choice for this production.

The show is based on the 1989 Disney film about Ariel, a young mermaid who longs to leave her ocean home and live in the human world above. To reach her dreams, she makes a deal with Ursula, the evil sea witch, for the chance to convince her beloved Prince Eric that she’s the girl he’s looking for. This production looks very promising, Great scenery and costumes will give everyone the true joy and feeling of what it would be like to live under the sea.

Valley Theatre got a chance to attend a rehearsal and speak with the cast about the production.

Daelyn Pillar, who plays the title role, is a Disney Princess fan, and is thrilled that Ariel is her first big role. Her favorite thing about playing the mer-princess is “…she’s fun and has great red hair.”

On the opposite end of the fish scales, Rachel Cole, who plays Ursula, has never played a villain before. This is a first for her as well, since getting involved with Community Theater when she moved to Arizona.

Among the supporting cast, everyone has various reasons for enjoying their character. Logan Knotts who plays Ariel’s father, King Triton loves the power his character has. Hans Alverson (Scuttle, the seagull) loves how his part is the comedic relief of the show. Regarding the show itself, ensemble members Emily Contessa, Korina Santos, Chloe Santos, and Josee Santos give it all thumbs up. Mr. Charlie Green (Sebastian) gives everyone a resounding, “You better come see this show!”

“I love the show and the movie,” Ms. Jacobs concludes. “It has something for everyone.”

The Little Mermaid will be playing on November 9th, 10th, and 12th at 7pm. There will be an additional matinee performance on the 10th at 2pm. For tickets, please call the box office (480-987-7469) between 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday or online at www.qcpac.com

Valley Theatre thanks Ms Jacobs and the wonderful cast for their time. Break a leg!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Valley Theatre LIVE!: Episode 1 (OLIVER)

Valley Theatre LIVE!
(Pilot Episode)

~ Upcoming Events: August - November
~ "WTHeatre!?": ANNIE
~ VT Review: OLIVER!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

OLIVER: Wrap-up!

Valley Theatre attended the closing night performance of OLIVER at the Queen Creek Performing Arts Center on June 25th. Here are some of our favorite pictures from the occasion!

V-log review will be up later tonight!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We Want Some More!: Behind the Scenes at QCPAC's "Oliver!"

Queen Creek Oliver Logo
Logo, as used by Queen Creek Performing Arts Center

You don’t have to go across the pond to see a production of Oliver. The Queen Creek Performing Arts Center has got it all covered with three performances later this month, and it is shaping up to be glorious.

The story is based on Charles Dickens’ classic novel about Oliver Twist, a little boy forced onto the streets and struggling to survive. Along the way, he meets new friends and foes, including the mischievous Artful Dodger, a sneaky con-man named Fagin, and the dangerous Bill Sykes. The musical first premiered in London’s West End and on Broadway in the early 1960s, and inspired a film some years later. Revivals of the show have come and gone over the years, but now is your chance to experience the family friendly musical right here in the East Valley.

Valley Theatre was fortunate enough to attend a rehearsal and speak to the cast and crew, who are hard at work to make the show a success. Like most community theater, the delightful folks at QCPAC are just like you and me: a lovely group with a common love of theater and the rewarding challenge it takes to put on a show. If you’ve ever had the urge to be in the spotlight, this is the perfect place for you to begin.

“It doesn't matter if you've done this before or not,” says Valeen Nielsen, the director of Oliver. “Most of us never started in theater. If you have any inkling to come be on stage, we will teach you.”

Erica Gledhill, who plays Nancy, adds, “This is a really great place to be. Queen Creek has a good philosophy about how they do their community theater. They put on great shows, yet they have such a family environment. I hope other people can see that and join us.”

It may seem a little intimidating, especially on a show as well-known as Oliver. Gledhill has had many actresses precede her in the role, including talents like Patti LuPone. But Gledhill handles it like a pro. “She is a work-in-progress,” she says of her character. “I've watched other actresses to get ideas, but I've also read through my script and thought about the feelings that Nancy would have. She's a complex character that has a roller coaster of emotions throughout the show.”

If villains are more your thing, Spencer Hale (Bill Sykes) shares the secret to his success. “I'm a dad of three girls,” he says with a gentle laugh. “So I try to act like I'm disciplining them after they've just been completely disobedient. I'm also an attorney. I have to get after opposing counsel or parties quite often, so I kind of draw on that. It's certainly an interesting emotion to play, but it's fun.”

Both the show and the center are good starting points for young people interested in theater. Sydney Kerr (The Artful Dodger) has performed in other shows with the PAC and is happy with the chance to have a big role in Oliver. “It's actually a lot of fun. You have a lot more room to make it your own and have fun with it.”

Joshua Jensen, who takes on the title role, adds, “It's a really good experience for me. I've been in plays before, but this is probably my best so far."

Overall, the show is something for everyone. “Whether you're watching or hearing about it, it's a great family experience,” says Kerr. “You feel like you're right there on the stage. Every seat is a front row seat, and the actors just engage you so well.”

Oliver will be playing at the Queen Creek Performing Arts Center, 22149 E Ocotillo Rd, on June 22nd, 23rd, and 25th. The curtain goes up on all shows at 7pm. Tickets are $15 for adults, and $13 for those 18 and under. They can be purchased at the box office between 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday, or online at www.qcpac.com.

Valley Theatre thanks the wonderful cast and crew for their time. Break a leg!

Welcome to our Blog!

We are your crew! (L to R) Faith, Mama Dee, and David

Hello, East Valley! Lucky you, you've stumbled in the beautiful world of the Valley Theatre bloggers, bringing you the best-of-the-best theater news this side of Arizona.

Who are we?
"We", in this case, refers to our family, Denise "Mama Dee", David, and Faith Kelter. While we've been Arizona natives for the past three years, we are originally from the east coast, Jersey born-and-bred. One of our favorite past times was going to New York City, which was only about a half-hour away, and seeing Broadway shows. I [Faith] saw my first show when I was three-years-old, the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. David's first show (and my first Broadway show) was Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Minskoff Theater in 1992. From then on, at the ages of 8 and 5 respectively, we were forever hooked.
Unfortunately, we couldn't take that beautiful street with us when we moved to Arizona in 2009. Thus, we've been looking everywhere for places to satisfy that craving for live theater. We've found quite a few, and thought you might want to check them out too. Hence, here we are!

How this works...
Valley Theatre is, first and foremost, a team effort. I'm the writer in the family, so I write our posts once David gathers the information. (Literally, who needs the internet? David is my one-stop-shopping for theater information!) Everything from news to reviews will be found here as we continue our journey to bring you the best of theater in the East Valley area.
We could always use your input as well! If you are a theater related company in the East Valley, we'd love to hear from you! Just shoot an email to davidnmamadee@gmail.com with subject line "Valley Theatre: ___". (Please be aware that subject lines are very important. If I get an email from someone I don't recognize, it doesn't get opened. Having that in your subject line will let me know it has to do with the blog. Thanks!)

Theater/Writing Experience? Check!
Both David and myself are pretty experienced in what we do, while still being your average everyday folks. David is a subscription ticket holder for the Hale Theatre in Gilbert, AZ. I'm a writer, and I run an online non-profit voice-acting group, 3DF Productions. Mama Dee nurtured our love of theater since we were little, and has come to love it herself. We aren't professional critics, but we're very opinionated. Overall, we know what we like and want to share that with anyone looking for a wonderful theatrical experience right here at home.

Why "Valley Theatre"?
Just in case you were wondering, the name comes from a play on "valley fever." David and I are proud citizens of San Tan Valley, AZ, and the "-re" spelling adds a bit of class! :)

And that's that! Be sure to check back often, and come on this little journey with us. Theater is a classic art form. Where else can you experience live actors in one room with you? Can't get that at the movies! (Although we like those too. ;)) The best part is, you don't have to travel far to find a good show. That's what we're here to share.

Until next time, Valley out!